A Complete Multi Faceted Approach To Nutrition And Disease


Many terms have come to define the complex symptom set and chronic disease inter-relationship that is generally recognized as the metabolic syndrome, a precursor to the modern scourge, adult- onset diabetes. Encompassing elevated lipids and glucose, high blood pressure, central adiposity and other signs and symptoms, this is the clinical manifestation of the American obesity epidemic. Nutrition texts refer to a toxic food environment.

Each quarter, I explain to students that this phrase has a dual meaning. We live in a predominantly couch-friendly, TV marketing environment that is toxic, with ads featuring highly refined foods. At the same time, we are eating food that is, in fact, toxic, adding to the metabolic burden on our bodies. Though modern medicine relies on various pharmacological therapies, reversing diabetes and obesity must focus foremost on education, prevention and lifestyle change. Diet and exercise ought to lay the groundwork with herbs, specific phytochemicals and nutritional supplements playing supporting roles.

Modern Nutrition

There is no question that our diet has changed drastically over the past 75 years. Factory food production has been geared towards corporate profits, with food preservation and refinement taking the lead, while nutrients have been stripped from the finished product. In more recent decades, greater sums of flavorings, colorings, stabilizers and preservatives have become part of factory food recipes, not to mention pesticides, agricultural — chemical residues, and of late, modified genes (GMO). The government and academic institutions have been complicit as well.

Take for example the old Department マトリックスエキス 口コミ of Agriculture food pyramid with grains as the base; a recipe for diabetes. The new pyramid, laid out differently, is little improved. I advise my students to put vegetables, legumes, other plant foods, wild and grass-fed animal proteins, and some fruit near or at the base, and move grains (way) up the pyramid, if they choose to use this illustration at all. An entertaining online pursuit is perusing mypyramid.gov and then mypyramid.org, the former being, of course, the official site. The latter is a parody brought to my attention by a former student.